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試卷測驗 - 97 年 - 97 初等考試_其他類科:英文#3989
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36.I knew Sabrina was upset, but it took me by surprise when she suddenly ____________ into tears.
(A) burst
(B) fired
(C) jumped
(D) managed


37.I always take a ____________ after a game of basketball. I don’t want to smell bad.
(A) picture
(B) note
(C) shower
(D) temperature.


38.Sorry, I’m late. My car ____________ on the way here.
(A)drove off
(B)broke down
(C)took away
(D)knocked out.


39.I would have bought you that book if I ____________ enough money with me last night.
(A)have had
(B) has had
(C) had
(D) had had


40. Linda: Can I borrow a pen, please?

Pat: I don’t have a pen. Sorry.

Linda: That’s OK. ___________.
(A)How wonderful
(B)Thanks anyway
(C)You’re welcome
(D)It’s very kind of you.


        What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange, red? If you  41 , you must be an optimist, a leader, an active person  42  enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer gray and blue? Then you’re  43  quiet, shy and you would rather follow than  44 . You tend to be a pessimist.  45 , this is what psychologists tell us, and they should know, because they have been studying seriously the meaning of color preference, as well as the effect that colors have on human beings.(請依據上述文章,回答第 41~45 題)
(B) are
(C) like
(D) know








(A) At random
(B) At last
(C) At once
(D) At least


  The Old Man and the Sea is a novel by Ernest Hemingway. The book is about an old fisherman, Santiago, who fishes alone. Friendless except for a young boy named Manolin, Santiago has only one remaining purpose in life-to catch a big fish in order to prove to Manolin and to himself that he is still a good fisherman. After eighty-four days of unsuccessful fishing, on the eighty-fifth day Santiago goes far out into the sea, where he hooks a giant marlin. He struggles with the fish for two days and nights and finally kills it. Soon sharks appear and attack his fish. The old man fights them off with all his strength but fails to protect his catch. Only the bones of the great fish remain as proof of Santiago’s courage and strength when he returns with it to the harbor. (請依據上述文章,回答第 46~50 題)
【題組】46.Who is the author of The Old Man and the Sea?
(A) Santiago.
(B) Manolin.
(C) Santiago’s friend
(D) Hemingway.


【題組】47.Who is Manolin?
(A) An old man.
(B) The fisherman’s wife.
(C) A boy.
(D) A big fish.


【題組】48 Why does the old fisherman want to catch a big fish?
(A)To earn some money.
(B)To prove that he is skilled at fishing .
(C)To feed his hungry friend.
(D)To return to the harbor.


【題組】49.Why does the old man return to the harbor with the bones of the fish only?
(A)He eats the fish up on his way home.
(B)He travels too far and too long, so the fish is no more fresh.
(C)Some sharks get to it.
(D)The fish bones are beautiful.


【題組】50.The old fisherman “goes far out into the sea, where he hooks a giant marlin.” What is a marlin?
(A) A kind of fish.
(B) A kind of ship.
(C) A magician.
(D) A kind of shark.


試卷測驗 - 97 年 - 97 初等考試_其他類科:英文#3989-阿摩線上測驗
