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37 Lisa _______ in a gym nearby three times a week because she wants to lose weight.
(A)watches out
(B)works out
(C)runs out
(D)goes out


21 Last week Marilyn and her mother took turns _____ all the way across the state in a pick-up truck.
(A) drove
(B) drive
(C) driving
(D) driven


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: Around the world, more and more women are working outside the home. In the United States, around 70 percent of women with children under 18 41 another job besides that of mother and homemaker. Most 42 in traditional fields for women, such as clerical, sales, education, and service. However, a growing number choose a career 43 necessitates spending many hours away from home. These women are engineers, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and scientists, and a few have begun to occupy executive positions in business, government, and banking, 44 through the so-called glass ceiling. Nowadays, some women work full time, some part time, and some seek creative solutions 45 flex-time work schedules and job sharing. Many are single mothers raising children by themselves. But in most cases, one income in the household is simply not enough, so both parents must work to support the family.


Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage: One of the most popular fields of study for college students these days is leisure studies. The names of the courses, “Introduction to Sport” or “The Philosophy of Sport,” call forth scenes of college students idly talking of Frisbees and sleeping on the grass. But leisure studies is a deadly serious field: students learn how to run the sports programs of big city park departments, how to manage a ski resort or a vacation hotel. The students learn how to organize a teenage soccer league where little or no interest exists in the sport, how to teach and keep beginners interested, and how to keep track of admissions money. To do all these things, they must take courses in psychology and business management along with those in leisure. As people grow more involved in sports activities, in vacations, and in trips, the job outlook for leisure majors is quite good; but can you imagine trying to explain to your parents that you’re spending their money studying leisure?
【題組】9 It is hard to explain to the parents that their children are spending money studying leisure because
(A) leisure studies programs are quite expensive.
(B) many parents feel college should be difficult and serious.
(C) there are few jobs available to current leisure studies majors.
(D) few major colleges now offer programs in leisure studies.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: 
The World Heritage Centre develops relationships with universities that are committed to research and education for the protection, conservation, and management of cultural and natural heritage through the international network entitled Forum UNESCO-University and Heritage(FUUH). 
There are two ways to become affiliated to this network:individually or institutionally. Individual affiliation to this network is free and simple. Academic staff, researchers, heritage professionals, and students(above Masters level) may join the network on an individual basis. Individual members receive the FUUH monthly electronic newsletter informing them about worldwide news on natural and/or cultural activities. As an interactive communication tool, FUUH invites individual members to send news about their respective activities, provided that they relate to heritage. These items of news are reflected in the next FUUH newsletter, thus providing members instant worldwide dissemination and visibility. Institutional affiliation is made through the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)in which the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO and a University agree to work together in a spirit of cooperation to reinforce links between their institutions, and contribute to World Heritage research and knowledge.
Universities interested in working with the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO through signing a Memorandum of Understanding can contact the World Heritage Centre.

【題組】47 Which of the following people can become an individual member of FUUH network?
(A) A freshman student at Harvard University.
(B) A university professor who teaches history.
(C) A programmer who specializes in network designs.
(D) A businessman who owns an international company.


39 I grew up near the ocean, _______is probably why I love going to the beach!
(A) when
(B) what 
(C) where 
(D) which


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Urban legends are an important part of popular culture, experts say, offering insight into our fears and the state of society. They’re also good fun. “Life is so much more interesting with monsters in it,” says Mikel J. Koven, a folklorist. “It’s the same with these legends. They’re just good stories.” Like the variations in the stories themselves, folklorists all have their own definitions of what makes an urban legend. Academics have always disagreed on whether urban legends are, by definition, too fantastic to be true or at least partly based on fact, said Koven, who tends to believe the latter. Urban legends aren’t easily verifiable, by nature. Usually passed on by word of mouth or in e-mail form, they often invoke the famous clause—“it happened to friend of a friend”(or FOAF)that makes finding the original source of the story virtually impossible. Discovering the truth behind urban legends, however, isn’t as important as the lessons they impart, experts say. “The lack of verification in no way diminishes the appeal that urban legends have for us,” writes Jan Harold Brunvand in “The Vanishing Hitchhiker: American Urban Legends and Their Meanings.” “We enjoy them merely as stories, and tend to at least half-believe them as possibly accurate reports.” 
 A renowned folklorist, Brunvand is considered the pre-eminent scholar on urban legends. The definition of an urban legend, he writes, is “a strong basic story-appeal, a foundation in actual belief, and a meaningful message or moral.” Most urban legends tend to offer a moral lesson, Koven agreed, that is always interpreted differently depending on the individual. The lessons don’t necessarily have to be of the deep, meaning-of-life, variety, he said. Urban legends are also good indicators of what’s going on in current society, said Koven. “By looking at what’s implied in a story, we get an insight into the fears of a group in society,” he said. Urban legends “need to make cultural sense,” he said, noting that some stick around for decades while others fizzle out depending on their relevance to the modern social order. It’s a lack of information coupled with these fears that tends to give rise to new legends, Koven said. “When demand exceeds supply, people will fill in the gaps with their own information as they’ll just make it up.” The abundance of conspiracy theories and legends surrounding 9/11, the war in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina seems to point to distrust in the government among some groups, he said. But urban legends aren’t all serious life lessons and conspiracy theories, experts say, with the scariest, most plausible ones often framed as funny stories. Those stories can spread like wildfire in today’s Internet world, but they’ve been part of human culture as long as there has been culture, and Brunvand argues that legends should be around as long as there are inexplicable curiosities in life.

【題組】48 According to the expert, what is people’s common attitude toward urban legends?
(A) They don’t believe them at first, but after verification, they do.
(B) They dismiss them as nonsense; they don’t believe them at all.
(C) They not only believe them but also spread them without consideration.
(D) They tend to think they are stories, or half-believe them with some details.


38 People have enjoyed going to the theater to watch plays for centuries-the first theaters _____ about 2,500 years ago.
(B)were built
(C)have been built
(D)had been building


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
       Muhammad Ali was born in 1942 and was famous for his unusual boxing style, funny comments, and social justice work. His parents named him Cassius Clay Jr. One day when Clay was 12 years old, his bike was stolen in a local fair. He told a police officer that he would beat up the thief. The officer suggested that he learn how to fight.That officer was actually a boxing instructor and later became Clay’s first boxing coach. When he was only 18 years old, Clay won the gold medal at the Olympics. After that he won his first professional match. His unique style and perfect ring record made him very popular. Before a match, he often guessed for the fans in which round the match would end. In 1964, he boxed against the world heavyweight champion Sonny Liston. Most people thought that Liston would win. However, Clay won, becoming the new world heavyweight champion. After winning, he told the world that he had changed his name to Muhammad Ali. When he retired at 40 years old, Ali had won 56 professional wins, and only 5 losses.
       During his childhood and youth, black people couldn’t go to the same schools or enter the same restaurants and so on as white people. Even after coming home with his Olympic gold medal, Ali was not allowed to enter white-only restaurants. Because of experiences like that, Ali often spoke about peace and racial justice in public. In 1988 he became the UN Messenger of Peace for his work in developing nations. Like many heroes before him, his legend will live on in the memory of the world.

【題組】25 What did Ali often do to interact with his fans before a match?
(A) He often gave an emotional talk about racial justice.
(B) He often taught them how to protect themselves.
(C) He often sang for them and encouraged them.
(D) He often engaged them in a guessing game.


3 Janet has been depressed since she lost her job, but we believe she'll feel better________when she is employed again.
(A) gracefully
(B) evidently
(C) eventually
(D) dynamically


