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二、Terjemahkan tulisan di bawah ini ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.(25 分)
       讓我們探討臺灣和印尼的文化規範和禮儀。臺灣的問候是正式的, 包括輕微鞠躬和握手,並使用尊稱加姓氏,重視個人空間,觀察非語言 暗示很重要。印尼則以握手、微笑和點頭展示熱情友好的問候,使用 「Bapak」或「Ibu」等尊稱加名字,個人空間較近,同性之擁抱以及身體 接觸也被接受。了解並尊重臺灣和印尼的文化規範和禮儀,確保相互尊 重的溝通,重視文化多樣性對於創建包容性環境至關重要。擁抱這些差 異有助於促進積極互動,並有助於歡迎移民進入。

Questions 40-50 
     In the nineteenth century, oceanography benefited from the new desire to study phenomena on a global scale. Many scientists collected information on the chemical composition, temperature, and pressure of the ocean at various depths and in different Line regions. The difficulty of gathering information about the ocean depths was immense. 
     At first ii was believed that the temperatures in the depths never fell below 4 degrees Celsius, until it was shown that the figures were distorted by the effect of pressures on the thermometers. There was intensive study of tides and ocean currents; and a number of physicists examined the forces responsible for the movements of the water. For example, James Reonell provided the first accurate map of the currents in the Atlantic. 
     Ocean, and the United Slates Coast Survey made extensive studies of the Gulf Stream. The zoologist Edward Forbes argued that no lire existed below a depth of 300 fathoms (about 600 meters) a view widely accepted until disproved by the voyage of the British research vessel HMS Challenger(1872-1876)The HMS Challenger expedition provided valuable information about the seabed, including the discovery of manganese nodules IS that are now being seen as a potentially valuable source of minerals. 
     The first detailed map of the seabed was provided for the Atlantic by the American geographer Matthew F. Maury- He devised new techniques for measuring ocean depths, and his work proved of great value in laying the first transatlantic telegraph cables. He also studied global wind patterns and was able to provide sailors with guides that 20 significantly reduced die time taken on many routes. Some oceanographers believed that the winds were responsible for producing ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream, but Maury disagreed. He argued that they were produced by changes in the density of seawater due to temperature, which Bet up systems of movement between warm and cool regions of the world. Maury believed that the circulation of a warm current would 25 produce ice-free sea around the North Pole, a claim not disproved until Fridtjof Nansen allowed his vessel The Pram to be carded to within a few degrees of the pole in the years 1893-1896.

【題組】48. According to the passage, which of the following is true about Matthew F. Maury?
(A) His ship traveled to the North Pole in 1893.
(B) He believed winds to be the source of currents.
(C) His studies or wind patterns enabled sailors to shorten their travel times.
(D) He believed that currents flowed only from warmer regions to cooler ones.

42. 有關 Peer-to-Peer (P2P)網路架構,以下何者有誤?
(A)每個 peer 都有著類似的角色,既是 client 也是 server
(B)P2P 架構可能有 structured 及 unstructured 不同設計
(C)P2P 架構常見的應用有檔案分享
(D) P2P架構需要同時讓多台電腦彼 此連線,因此擴充性 (Scalability) 通常比起 client-server 架構還要差。

二、市場上暢銷同質性食品之品牌甚多,而新產品上市者卻很少,且成功率不大,試述 新產品之開發,所面臨的問題到底有那些?(20 分)

24. 有一鋰離子電池,全新時額定原為 2 Ah,若其健康狀態(State-of-Health, SOH)已衰減至 80 %,則 1 C 電流應修正為:
(A) 2 A
(B) 1 A
(C) 1.6 A
(D)0.8 A

二、交通事故處理蒐證攸關事故當事人權益,目前交通事故處理蒐證的資料 皆為一個事故案件彙整成一個卷宗資料,請問:

【題組】 ⑴何謂 A2 類交通事故?處理 A2 交通事故,蒐證彙整成卷宗的表件及 該調閱的資料有那些?請試述之。(10 分)

三、海洋可深達 10,000 公尺以上,雖然深海環境較嚴苛,許多生物仍然可以在深海生存。 說明這些深海生物求生存的方法。(20 分)

21. 基隆市名勝「獅球嶺砲臺」在

4. 當過濾池水頭損失過大或出水濁度過高,需進行下列何項措施?
(B) 降低出水量,